Sunday, February 24, 2013

Top Ten: Greatest Baseball Movies of All Time

The other day my coach cancelled practice because of the rain, so I went to see the movie “Mama” with my Aunt. She wanted to get there really early to make sure we could get a good seat. Turns out only four other people were there to watch the 2 o’clock matinee, but during the previews this came on…

That was worth the $11.50 by itself! He needs no introduction, or review… He is a saint.

Jay-Z’s Brooklyn We Go Hard coupled with Branch Ricky’s famous line “I want a player who has the guts not to fight back” literally gave me the chills.

So you get it, my expectations for this movie are through the roof. If it’s anything short of the best baseball movie of all time I will be disappointed. So when I got home from “Mama” with my Aunt (which was ok, kind of jumpy with a weak ending) I immediately created my list of the greatest baseball movies of all time. I took it to practice the next day and asked my teammates for some input. With their help, this is my final standings.

10. The Rookie

-A true story based on a high school teacher/baseball coach whose playing career was cut short from injuries. After healing from his injuries he discovers that he can throw really hard, so his high school baseball team convinces him to sign up for a Major League tryout if they win the state championship. It’s Disneyfied but still a great story.

9. Bull Durham

-Kevin Costner’s second best baseball movie in his career gets knocked because it focuses more on romance than actual baseball. It’s still a great movie and definitely worth seeing.

8. Eight Men Out

-A great movie that tells the story of the 1919 Black Socks scandal. It’s meant for the more sophisticated baseball fan and I would recommend reviewing your baseball history book before you watch it.

7. 61*

-The story of Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris chasing Babe Ruth’s single season homerun record. A must see if you haven’t already.

6. Bad News Bears

-The original and the remake are both hilarious movies with great characters and liners. An ultimate classic ranking 6th shows that baseball movies are the best of any sport films.

5. A League of Their Own

-Tom Hanks is hilarious in a movie about the first female baseball league. A must watch for a good laugh.

4. Field of Dreams

-Kevin Costner is awesome in a classic film about a farmer who hears voices that tell him to build a baseball diamond in the middle of his struggling cornfield. It’s a definite “I can’t believe you haven’t seen that!!” if you haven’t seen it.

3. Moneyball

-Moneyball shows the origin of baseball’s saber metric revolution. The story of portrayed by Brad Pitt will go down as a big moment in baseball history.

2. The Natural

-The scene where Roy Hobbs hits a homerun off the lights, enough said.

1. The Sandlot

-The greatest baseball movie far and away. It portrays baseball at its purist form coupled with a great story line. “You’re killing me smalls”

That’s your competition Harrison Ford, don't screw this up. I will be waiting vehemently until April 12, 2013


-Blake Dale Lepire

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